The life of a private investigator is not easy. We have the stress of work, deadlines, and long hours. Many investigators are gone from their families for extended periods of time which can provide additional stress to those in this field.
One of the things that this job has the potential to add to an investigator’s life is being unhealthy. And know from my personal experiences that this job provides many opportunities to create unhealthy habits.
When I started in the investigation industry I was around 210 pounds and I smoked. I had been out of the Army for a couple of years at that point and still felt relatively healthy even though I wasn’t running 2 miles a day like I did in the Army. I had relatively good eating habits early on in my private investigation career.
My introduction to the investigation industry was that of a surveillance investigator. So as you can imagine I would be in my vehicle for a minimum of 10 hours a day in most cases. I was driving a Honda Civic in those days and there just wasn’t much room for movement. And when I got home after those long days I had no motivation to work out or exercise. I was just happy to be home with my wife and new child.
Also during those early years, I built some incredibly bad habits when it came to eating. I would always purchase unhealthy snacks or eat a great deal of fast food. I was a big fan of Ho Hos, Lemon Pies (from the gas station), chocolate mini donuts, and whatever I could get my hands on to eat while sitting in my car for endless hours. I mostly ate out of boredom during that time but those same bad eating habits carried on when I got home from work.
I was finally able to quit smoking about 7 years ago which was good because smoking was a great idea during surveillance or my health. Once I quit I found myself eating even more unhealthy things more frequently as if to replace the smoking habit.
In 2017 I found myself well over 280 pounds. That 280 pounds was soul-sucking to me. I couldn’t go on long walks or hikes with the family without breathing like I had been running a marathon. My knees would buckle every now and then. I would snore so bad that it would wake me up. My blood sugar levels would drop at times and my body would freak out and I would have to eat immediately. I was unhappy with my appearance not just for me but for my spouse. I had to take naps all the time because I was always tired. And my clothes never fit right…ever.
Don’t get me wrong, I worked out for hours a day in the past and found some results in weight loss but I couldn’t maintain the results. My wife and I tried the Daniel Plan (inspired by our church at the time) and the Keto Diet (recommended by my sister) but it was unsustainable for my wife and I. A lot of the dieting required an incredible amount of prep and my wife and I just couldn’t keep up with it over an extended period of time. So whatever small losses we had on those plans were gained back quickly. I mean it took me 3 months to lose 15 pounds and only 1 month to gain it all back.
A couple of years ago my wife’s cousin started a program with her husband and the lost a great deal of weight. Her husband lost over 30 pounds in a month while she lost over 20 pounds in 5 weeks. I was happy for them but had no real idea of what they were doing.
Then my wife’s sister started the program and lost over 60 pounds. We were amazed and my wife’s sister looked and felt great. So we started asking her questions about the program and slowly began to learn about it over time.
Fast Forward to December 2017 and my wife’s cousin and her husband (the ones I told you about a second ago) came to visit Washington. I told my wife that I thought trying their program might be a good fit for me but I wanted to talk to them more about it and I was going to have that chance during a family dinner.
After talking with them during dinner I really felt that it was going to work for me and we told them I would sign up a few days after meeting with them, and I did. Just before starting it actually got a bit emotional for me because I just knew this program was going to work.
Best decision I ever made for my health…ever.
Within the first month, I lost 23 pounds.
By the 3rd month mark, I had hit 50 pounds. And I am still on the journey.
On June 6, 2018 I hit my first goal of 75 pounds lost!
I feel better than I have in over 15 years.
I sleep good every night.
I feel rested (don’t take many naps anymore)
I have energy all day.

Since losing the first 23 pounds I decided to become a coach with the company to help others lose unwanted pounds and get off weight-related medicine. My wife has become a coach as well.
Make no mistake, this isn’t a diet. This is about healthier habits and being able to maintain the weight loss after you reach your goal. We don’t want you to reach your goal and then gain it all back.
The reason I felt comfortable sharing this with you is while this program can pretty much help anyone, it is the perfect type of program for someone in the investigation industry because it fits perfectly into an investigators lifestyle.
If you are ready to have more energy, better sleep, and to reach your health goals you can email me at or send me a message through Facebook and we can get on call where I can find out if this program is a good fit for you.
I am excited and look forward to helping you on your journey.