Spine Like Batteries Can Power Future Electronics
In an article written by Extreme Tech, they discuss how students at the Columbia University have created a flexible spine-like (in appearance) battery that may possibly replace the current brick looking batteries currently being offered.
Batteries have come a long way over the past 20 years or so in relation to the power they can hold (relative to their size). I think the best example of this is power banks (which I love).
But imagine how a small flexible battery if perfected could change the way we look at creating devices.
Quick Thoughts on Flexible Batteries
When I saw this article I couldn’t help but think of future spy cameras and devices that could be created with this type of technology. Spy cameras could be smaller and not be limited to fitting within the standard battery shape that spy cameras have to conform to.
Review of the Vont LED Adjustable Desk Lamp
This week I reviewed a pretty nifty desk lamp that might be of use to you in your office. Click here to go to the review.
Boeing’s Drone Prototype can Carry 500 Pounds of Cargo
HEaring about a drone carrying something heavy isn’t new to me. I watched a guy named Casey Neistat make a video with a drone carrying him for a significant distance. Which I thought was quite amazing.
And with the flying taxis being something that is nearly a reality, a drone carrying 500 pounds was bound to be a reality.
Boeing’s drone weighs 747 pounds (that is a coincidence), is 15 feet long, 18 feet wide and 4 feet tall. It has four arms that hold two props on each arm.
According to Techcrunch, it took them 3 months to design and create the prototype and they only recently tested it in their research lab in Missouri.
China’s Police Get Glasses with Facial Recognition Scanning
If this story is true then I would only ask why doesn’t the United States have this technology. I just wanted to ask that question first.
CNET reports that China’s police officers were recently equipped with facial recognition scanning technology through glasses.
The glasses were specifically given to officers at a very populated train station. According to their own reporting 7 wanted criminals were caught using the glasses as well as 26 people using fake identification.
Apparently, LLVision Technology is responsible for the amazing technology. The glasses also have the capability of recognizing 100,000 different faces in 100 milliseconds.
Apparently, China is already proactive regarding surveillance technology as they already have 176 million surveillance cameras in the public and private sector.
This is compared to the United States which has approximately 50 million cameras.