There are many different types of weapons that private investigators are known to use or carry. This article won’t cover what the best firearm is or things of that nature but it will discuss what different weapons investigators are known to equip themselves with.
- 1 What is the reason you feel that you need to carry a firearm?
- 2 What Type of Private Investigator Typically Carries a Handgun?
- 3 Private Investigators That Carry a Firearm
- 4 What Types of Weapons are Private Investigators Using?
- 5
- 6 Knives for Self Defense
- 7 Stun Guns for Private Investigator Self Defense
- 8 Tasers
- 9 Pepper Spray
- 10 Misc Weapons
- 11 Self Defense for Private Investigators
- 12 Conclusion
What is the reason you feel that you need to carry a firearm?
Now, of course, you don’t really need to have a reason and you certainly don’t have to justify it to me. I am hoping you ask yourself this question to determine the real reason you feel as though having a firearm on your person is needed.
For the younger soon-to-be private investigators I believe it is important to stress that having a firearm or any weapon for that matter is not a status thing. When I discuss status, it is in relation to how the private investigator feels more important as a result of carrying a firearm.
Carrying a firearm in my opinion should doesn’t mean it is the first option to take in a conflict. Using a firearm should be an, “I’m all out of options” kind of thing. That is why you should carefully weigh your options before choosing a form of protection as a private investigator.
What Type of Private Investigator Typically Carries a Handgun?
Private Investigators in the state of Washington are not supposed to carry a weapon as a private investigator unless licensed to do so. There are additional requirements for a private investigator that is carrying a weapon.
As for me, I do not carry a firearm while working as a private investigator. Most of my current work relates to insurance cases. Working as a private investigator in Washington state, I did lots of interviewing and field work that doesn’t require me to carry or feel the need to. I also didn’t feel as though I was in much danger when working on surveillance assignments.
Most of the individuals I personally encountered during investigative assignments I didn’t feel were dangerous. If any problems did arise where I felt something bad could potentially happen I would discontinue the surveillance and drive away.
Private Investigators That Carry a Firearm
One reason an associate of mine carries a handgun is that he works a lot of domestic cases and surveillance which leaves many unknowns in his mind. He carries it just in case something goes wrong and he needs to protect himself. He does not carry when working insurance files.
Another female associate I am friends with carries a firearm with her when she travels out of her immediate living area where she has to stay the night in a hotel. She travels all over the state by herself at all hours and wanted something to help protect her no her long travels.
There is another investigator I remembered speaking to about a case he was working on that went wrong. No one attacked him but he had basically determined that he had been hired by a stalker and the stalker had been lying to him. In the course of our conversation, he stated it was because of those types of unstable people in this industry he carried a gun. This investigator did a variety of different work and I believe he probably did need a firearm for his own protection due to the types of files he was taking.
What Types of Weapons are Private Investigators Using?
Over the years I have come across many private Investigators who have had various items in their vehicles while working as private investigators.
Self-Defense Options from
- Handguns
- Knives
- Stun Guns
- Tasers
- Pepper Spray
- Weapons (Bats, Batons, Sticks)
Knives for Self Defense
Knives being carried are pretty common among the general public. Private investigators are no different. The knives I have seen being carried by private investigators are very modest knives that anyone would be carrying like a pocket knife. I would not recommend a Bowie knife or anything oversized that would not be legal by the general public.
I found an interesting site to help you determine what type of knife is legal to carry in your state (in the United States). You can click on your state and determine if the knife you are carrying is legal. The website is called

Stun Guns for Private Investigator Self Defense
It was about three years ago and I found myself working surveillance with two investigators that I had come up in the investigation industry with. I hadn’t seen them in years and we were working surveillance that was a bit sketchy. When I say sketchy I mean I felt there was a chance that the individual we working surveillance on might attack us, because he knew we were there (a whole other story I will discuss at another time).
Both investigators showed me their stun guns and indicated they carried it within their vehicles for protection.
It’s a non-lethal weapon that they felt would be appropriate to carry while working insurance investigations. I personally agreed with them. I thought it was a great option for self-defense if it was needed (as a last resort).
With that being said I can tell you that the majority of insurance investigation companies (should you work for one) will have no tolerance for this type of weapon or any weapon in your vehicle.
Here is a link for some Stun Gun Laws to see what the laws are in your state.
Here is another website with more information on laws related to Stun Guns.
I would encourage you to do further research as well as laws are always changing to make sure it is legal for you to use one in your state should you decide you need one. sells a variety of different stun guns.
I don’t know anyone personally that uses a taser. It appears that it is legal in more states within the United States than it is not. Some states require a license to have one as well.
Here is a link to a website that seems to have done all the hard work in helping people determine what the laws are related to tasers and if it is legal in your state.
I would encourage you to do further research as well as laws are always changing to make sure it is legal for you to use one in your state should you decide you need one.
Pepper Spray
Pepper Spray is a pretty common thing for people to have for their own personal protection. Apparently, it is legal in all 50 states however restrictions on this vary from state to state.
Again, do additional research for your state to make sure the laws are up to date and nothing has changed.
Misc Weapons
Anything could become a potential weapon to protect yourself while you are working in the field. A stick or bat in your vehicle might be all you need to get yourself out of a sticky situation. I know that I would use my monopod to strike someone in a second if needed to protect myself.
Self Defense for Private Investigators
I had an interesting conversation with a self-defense trainer who is a Sheriff Deputy in Washington state. He stated that the majority of police officers that are hired nationwide have never been in a fight and their only training in regards to fighting and dealing with difficult situations is at the academy and any small amount of extra training their police department provides. He stated because the officers don’t have any real-life experience with fighting or hostile situations they don’t know how to respond in the field correctly.
In the context of private investigations, I would recommend taking some self-defense courses and enrolling in karate or even wrestling. I personally wrestled through high school and a year of Jr. College and was involved in karate for 4 years. Those experiences in wrestling and karate (and many real-life skirmishes) helped me to be confident and react properly (or what I felt was appropriate) to some very stressful situations over the years in this job.
I am going on 12 years in this industry and never have I had to use a weapon to defend myself. I have been fortunate to see trouble coming and have been able to avoid situations that would endanger me. Looking back at the times when a weapon was probably warranted it probably would have been worse for me to have one than to not.
If you feel you need a weapon, choose something that is right for you and that you will feel comfortable using. If a weapon requires additional training for you to use, then find a class to take so you will feel comfortable using that weapon if your life is in danger.
Always do things legally and be safe.
If you carry a weapon not mentioned here please mention it in the comments so others can check it out.
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